Re: Apropos Stephen Ylvisaker photos

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If one clicks on the image it becomes a thing of the past page not found. But if  you click on his name it is still present.

I made deckle postcards of one scene at the request of one of a customer. I kept all the other with straight edges. On one order i had two postcard scenes printed including the deckle edge one.. The printer  made a capitulation mistake on the gold text on the image side of  non deckle postcard so I had them reprint it. The printer reprinted the whole order so I got an extra set of the deckled postcards. I still have more than 1500 deckled postcard sitting on a closet shelf.  At some point in time after I shut down the postcard business the USPS changed the requirements for postcards to straight edges only. So for efficient workings of the postal machines the physical deckle edge is gone. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxxxx>
To: PhotoForum educational network <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, Sep 13, 2022 9:00 pm
Subject: Apropos Stephen Ylvisaker photos

I notice that one of the prints shown in Stephen's vintage photographs (at was one with a deckle edge. Has the deckle edge become a thing of the past? If so why do you think that is the case? Or, if available, does it add cost to prints?


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