Hello Yoram, Sorry for my mistake. I’m quite sure Jan Faul exhibited several of them and I think that there were others too.Anyway, It was years ago.
Pini, the comment about nudes was mine. I thought I signed it but I see I didn't. I commented because I was under that impression and don't remember seeing any nudes in the Forum. Maybe my memory is worse than I thought. :-) Hi Lew - Where did you take this thought from ?I remember past nude images in the gallery and was no problem with it.
On May 22, 2022, at 2:13 PM, Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote:
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated on May 22, 2022. :
Jim Snarski - Cooper's Hawk
Nice portrait. The end of the branch looks like the head of yet another raptor. Lew Schwartz -
Good, soft images but I thought we don’t display nudes. Hope it doesn’t encourage more . . . there are plenty of sites for that.