I like the idea, but unfortunately, i have not suitable material to participate.
Στις Σάββατο, 25 Ιουλίου 2020, 03:17:06 π.μ. EEST, ο χρήστης Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> έγραψε:
Tell you what … I’ve received a good suggestion. I would agree with the suggester that we should aim for a GREAT new collection and install them into the SERIES gallery.
You can contribute a maximum of 4 images per person, taken since the beginning of the pandemic uproar. These would be all gathered into one great gallery - maybe sorted by date if given.
If you think contributing examples of your photography should be included in this special gallery please send your work to: andpph@xxxxxxx with word GALLERY in subject line.
If you state your purpose that would be of great help! Regular gallery or GROUP SHOW. The GROUP SHOW would remain online for a longer time than the weekly one.
What say you? Don’t let your faves languish on your computer. Share them with interested and curious kindred spirits!!
Andrew Davidhazy, list and gallery coordinator. ;)