This Nuke plant was just extended another 30 years and recently had reactor 2 reloaded. $0 .11 a kilowatt hour love
On Sun, Jun 14, 2020, 4:15 AM Pini Vollach <pinimage@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Randy Little - And that's where clouds come from
In my home city - Haifa there are also two cooling towers like yours.
They are about 80 yrs old and 11 yrs out of use. It became the second
symbols of the city (After the golden dome Bahahi temple and its gardens.)
Yesterday one of them collapsed.
-----Original Message-----
From: PhotoForum [mailto:photoforum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Andrew Davidhazy
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020 11:45 PM
To: photoforum educational network
Subject: PF gallery on June 12, 2020
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated with 4 new
photographs on June 12, 2020.
Authors with work now on display at: include:
Dan Mitchell - Ann 2
Roy Miller - Butterflies suck Flower Nectar
Randy Little - And that's where clouds come from.
Andrew Davidhazy - Summer is looking up
Bob McCulloch - Lower Bay Panorama
Jim Snarski - Aftermath
Jim Thyer - Yacht Race
George Brown - Balloon pop #5
... and a series in gallery 10 by Kostas Papakotas is viewable at
To participate in this activity send your contributions early and keeping
them near 1000 pix in longest dimension and 200Kb in maximum size. Large
images that run off the edges of average monitors are a pain. Larger is not
always better!
If you have doubts about how to prepare images just send them anyway and the
capable gallery staff will adjust them for exhibition.
From: Fernanda and the rest of the gallery staff
On 06/05/2020 it read 40334 and on 06/12/2020 it read 40407. Total views 73.
PS: do you know of other persons who might be interested in subscribing to
PhotoForum? See below:
For subscription, signoff and mail options instructions and password
reminder visit
If that does not work contact Andrew Davidhazy at andpph@xxxxxxx
PF on Facebook at: PhotoForum on the Internet -