OK ? so nobody liked or wanted to give some
feedback on my pseudo stroboscopic photograph of
the kid jumping into the pool? I am deeply hurt.
Psychologically wounded. Left out. Neglected.
Oh, well ?. I'll get over it I am sure. One more manhattan will do it.
PS: note that this is not serious ? just to see
if I can wake up the membership!!
it seems like commenting on the photos in
the gallery is a dead art except for Jan's
comments on Leas's and my photos in the book
(thanks for that Jan)...I'm as guilty as the next
guy so maybe I'll step up my game and begin
commenting...as for your photo, I absolutley
loved it...Im impressed by how the exposure
stayed so consistant...
BTW, I have been photographing wild flowers ? have you?
all the time...
Jim Snarski
Baja Oregon