What % of the books profits is she sharing with all the people making the content for her book?
On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 12:22 AM Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Everyone -
Please forgive this mass email.
I am in the process of writing another edition of my book: Jill Enfield’s Guide to Photographic Alternative Processes: Popular Historical and Contemporary Techniques
You can see the first edition here this will lead you to the book on amazon where you can look inside and see a few samples. This book will be laid out differently and fingers crossed, the images will be bigger.
This new edition will be a different shape and size and will have a few more chapters, as well as a website (to be added later on).
Below is a list of chapters and I hope that you can send me 3 or 4 images that can be placed in to a chapter or more if you are the experimental type!
I need your images to be:
4” x 5” 360 DPI adobe RGB.
Please label each image with your name and process. Also include a word file with your name, the process you used, and an explanation of how you made the image. This book is for people that like to share, please don’t send me images if you don’t want to “tell all” about how you physically made your images.
I am also looking for images that have not been used before in similar how-to books. You can be in the books, but please send me images that others have not used in their publications.
You may share this email with other people you may know. They do not have to be “famous”. Students are fine. I am interested in good work!
Let me know if you have any questions. I am looking forward to seeing you images!
Of course, there is no budget for art work, but you will receive a free book and of course get credit. Please also make sure that I have your website address and if there is another email you prefer, let me know that as well.
camera obscura
smartphone capture - then in the darkroom
van dyke brown
wet plate collodion
liquid emulsion
dry plate tintypes
lumen prints
digital negatives
salt and albumen prints
gum prints
ceramics and photography
colors in a bottle - solar fast and pyrofoto (if you have others you have used, let me know)
hand painting
Jill Enfield