My picture has an incorrect caption, so here is the correct one: Kids play on ”Fat Man” atomic bomb casing Mamiya 7II, 43mm at f11, Reala, Gitzo I continue to find it odd that people like to have a picnic on grave stones near Concord’s North Bridge where they fired the shots heard round the world, and objects like an atomic bomb. Somehow either being on a hallowed ground or in the presence of one of the most horrific and powerful bombs the world has ever known seems to not get people’s attention. And I know this list is not about politics, but if folks can spread their blanket on a gravestone or play on bombs, no wonder so many got totally fooled by the madman who is now our president. The threat of violence isn’t enough to get the attention of Americans. It has to reach out and punch them in the teeth, as many seem to have no imagination whatsoever.
Art Faul The Artist Formerly Known as Prints ------ Stills That Move: Camera Works - The Washington Post . |