Can I suggest to Andy and all you guys that we nominate a special week to submit the “one single image” to the Forum. If too many received for one week’s exposition, then let the rest be used the following week. dan (the artiste formerly known as Dan Mitchell) @! > On 24 Mar 2015, at 11:00, photoforum-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > Re: This project ( <> < <>> ) made me wonder what one single image of mine I?d select to represent my career. No easy task. Lea ------------------------------ Message: 9 Date: Mon, 23 Mar 2015 22:00:18 -0400 From: Jan Faul <jan@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jan@xxxxxxxxxxx>> To: "PHOTOFORUM@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:PHOTOFORUM@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> Subject: Re: photographers and their iconic images Message-ID: <ED174B10-9A8B-49C1-A7D5-D55A3615A351@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:ED174B10-9A8B-49C1-A7D5-D55A3615A351@xxxxxxxxxxx>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Somebody asked me the same question and after thinking for 6 months, I chose one of my first shots ever. I?d go with early work, not the latest.