On Wed Feb 04 2015 at 12:45:44 PM Andrew Davidhazy <andpph@xxxxxxx> wrote:
ruminating about process …
Members who choose to contribute a square or rectangular photograph have a photo page in which the image area is about 6.5 x 8.5 inches in size and where it will be fitted to fill the longest side. This space can be filled or partially filled with one or more photographs but if more than one then a guide should be sent to allow the "editor" to lay out the page as per your instructions. If none is sent then layout will be up to editor. Text will be on opposing page.
Those choosing to send panoramics have a space of 4 inches by about 17.5 inches and accompanying text will be spread over two pages below the panoramic photograph. On panoramics if the proportions are not 1:4.8 the short side will be made to fit 4 inches and the long side will fall where it falls.
The printer will be Lulu.com which is the printer we used in the past.
makes sense?
List of participants stands as per below:
materials received?
01 Bill Pettit
02 Jan Faul
03 Andrew Davidhazy
04 Yoram Gelman
05 Lea Murphy
06 Guy Glorieux
07 Randy Little
08 Don Roberts
09 Herschel Mair
10 Christopher Strevens
11 John Palcewski yes
12 Jim Snarski
13 Thomas Lynch
14 Klaus Knuth
15 Bob Sull
16 Russ Baker
17 Palma Brozetti
18 Philip Wayner
19 Roger Eichhorn
20 Belinda Peters
21 Stephen Ylvysaker
22 Mário Pires
23 Karl Shah-Jenner
24 Peeter Vissak
25 Dan Mitchell
26 Laurenz Bobke
27 Pini Vollach
28 Allan Rosen-Ducat