Hi, Sorry to a bit off topic. I lost my compact digital at
Ferihagy airport, Budapest, when I was unable to fly home due to an angina
attack while queuing for boarding in a wheelchair. I think I was dehydrated
after the four hour drive. The emergency doctor said I would have died during
the flight. I did go their to take photographs but many were lost on the SD
card lost with the camera. Space aliens….! They seem to have come from a black discus shaped thing on
legs that straddled the high street outside and where passers by were paralysed
with fear… It was just outside Wimbledon station. In the mental hospital where they put me at my request I met
some others who said they had seen a base camp of these discs landed on Wimbledon
common near Caesars camp. They are so black that they are just shadows and so
you cannot see them by reflected light. One managed to escape just before her execution the other
was told to keep quiet. My heart condition makes it almost impossible for me to go
on the 93 bus to the windmill to walk around to verify the claim with my
camera. It was awful! I witnessed two executions in the “hospital”
apparently they were murderers. Dr Chris, London. |