I've cataloged over 350 black and white photographic prints with: subject name date taken location taken file number my signature I've downloaded over 2500 images and movies off my iphone and keyworded those in Lightroom. I deleted those not interesting and backed up everything else. I've figured out how to get movies taken with my iPhone from my computer to my AppleTV so I can share them in a convenient way with family and friends. I've identified and keyworded all images in my Lightroom catalog that were missing keywords and I've corrected those that were mislabeled. I've backed up my client hard drives and my personal hard drives in anticipation of moving them off-site. I've lost four pounds I've practiced my Irish whistle for over fifteen hours (not continuously) I've painted the floor of my studio getting ready for the return of clients later this week I've created a goal list for the year and broken it into these categories: home business personal I've accomplished at least one thing from each list already I've gone through hundreds of old emails, filed the important ones and deleted the others I've gone through all the drawers in my office pitching/donating what's not needed, organizing what's left I've unsubscribed from email lists/spam that are tedious and only filling my inbox with garbage I've snowplowed the driveway twice, the entire block's sidewalks once, and gone sledding with my niece I've talked to my mom and dad three times and I've talked to my daughter every day I've gone through THAT drawer in the kitchen and gotten it whipped into order I went to a birthday party for a friend who turned 60 We've had a friend over for appetizers and the Downton Abbey premier I've seen two movies with my partner I've babysat my nieces and nephew and helped them create an inside obstacle course then made movies of them running it I've created five black and white image conversions and will print those today I love the potential of a new year. How's yours going? Lea your kids . my camera . we'll click www.leamurphy.com |