My interpretations:
Art Faul:
Sonderhavn: Why can we not see the image brand on the motorcycle? In
today’s terms, focus is critical. Does Art think his expressions are without the
necessity of the rendering of certain subject matter? It’s Art you know. Also,
Is the topic about the motorcycle or the beautifully rendered aged building
siding? The bike is in an isolated location, does this express the author’s true
_expression_? Imagine a defocused rider, crawling onto this bike, would that have
been a greater photograph and less boring?
Dan Mitchell:
Salvation: A spontaneous image of a common subject. Holidays bring us these
not-so-ordinary events, otherwise seen as musicians on the street during the
holidays but rarely anytime else. This image is boring, a simple “grab” shot.
Or, have I missed something?
John Palcewski:
Selfie: Great shot. Two problems. First, it seems this would mirror a
climatic moment, but there is unfortunately a “posed (stand right there!)” feel
to this shot. Secondly, the right eye is gone. If there is a patch, then more
fill flash would have been required. If the patch is in place (and this is only
assuming the darkness of that eye area is based on something otherwise, not
obviously expressed) a small fill light to highlight an edge of the patch would
have finished this otherwise great image. If in fact, there is no patch, then as
some may assume, there is a bad area in the shadows.
Bob McCulloch:
Looking At Liberty: Would this image have been stronger if in fact, the
center of the Statue would have been linked to the center spike of the officers
Yorum Gelman:
Café Artist: Wonderful image. Although it appears there is a juxtaposing of
an affect plus the image, it works. The author has rendered an otherwise typical
scene into something that is dreamscape. Creating an image with “historical”
qualities using “todays” technology but mirroring greats such as Man Ray
(Aperture Masters of Photography, No. 8 page 31 and 55) by bringing two images
together that do not relate.
Randy S. Little:
Silly image. What’s up with the completely washed out background?
As always, it’s just my opinion.
Gig Harbor, WA.