On 3/16/13 8:24 PM, Andrew Davidhazy wrote:
Andrew Sharpe - Bixby Park, Palo Alto, California: Pic of the week. Images that laugh at physics and reality always win in my book. And the tonal range is spot on as well...must up my game in future contributions. Emily L. Ferguson - Reaching: Crop out the scraggle on the bottom and top-rght and it will work for me, as titled. Otherwise, I'm simply asked to admire the growth of a tree...by no means an unreasonable request. Yoram Gelman - Tracks Over Hill: Lines. Horizon. Ooh, sepia. Sharp contrast is balanced by delicate clouds...nice touch. Art Faul - Gorgeous overlay on the car...shadow looks crap. No doubt this sells as a web image. John Palcewski - Round Two - Great photo. The nature of the moment is captured perfectly here. If you build a time machine, go back and get rid of that light at the top of the frame. But, I gather, you'd be too lazy to do this. Allan Rosen-Ducat - Love it. No idea what it is. But I do despise the 1-pixel frame around it. Would be better to fade to black. Randy Little - Fantasitc stunning colors. I think the trees on the left could have been dodged a bit for balance. Gorgeous landscape. Christopher Strevens - my other hobby: I simply cannot imagine...purpose or legality.