Why are Wi-Fi and GPS important or useful to you? The way you described your customary work, you don't need to instantly need to upload your images to a server or "the cloud." Nor does it seem you need location information stored in the image data. This information, depending on client (like the military or a military contractor) or subject matter, could be construed as a security risk. Suppose you take a photo of a child in a park mor on a school playground, with the GPS turned on, and posted that photo on Flickr or some similar site; an unsrupulous person could get into the image data and find where that photo was taken and perhaps find that specific child, will ill-intent.
I know we have gotten so used to the conveniences of WiFi and GPS that we don't think of any disadvantages associated with them, but there may very well be some.
--- On Wed, 2/20/13, Joseph Chamberlain <drjchamberlain@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: