We've done a couple of catalog type projects and so I was thinking to go a little differently. But I am not adverse to a book. They are "nice" As for an exhibition of 13 x19 overall page size photographs the making of it would probably depend on finding willing exhibition venues - this would be a "job" for interested list members aka volunteers! As for framing, etc. - hmmm -- sending framed prints around is rather expensive. One is shipping frames more than the raw materials of the photographs. My thinking is to keep it simple and send only prints ... 13x19 inch sheets that would have a small border within which a member's photograph would be located. I am envisioning also a small section on the sheet for some brief details about the author, etc. Once one starts to think about such things as insurance, liability, etc. things become complicated. I would propose this to be a set that could visit various venue with the host at each location simply agreeing to handle/exhibit them as carefully as possible but without any liability for damage, etc. That person's additional responsibility would be to pay for postage of the collection to the next destination. Once willing venues can no longer be found the prints would be donated to some appropriate group who would like to have and use them. Or, they could simply be burned. Another alternative is that they return "home" and any member who wants to receive their print can pay for postage/shipping and retrieve their print. After the physical exhibition there would be an online version made available. If it is disseminated earlier this would negatively impact the physical exhibition. OTOH a summary printed catalog might be prepared by enterprising physical exhibit hosts - maybe. I realize that when I propose something like Lulu printing them the quality would not be as high as photographic prints but neither is the cost so great. And having everyone interested in participating sending their own print seems to me would cause a non homogeneous exhibit - not that I am for homogeneity but just saying! So, just saying you'd like to participate is one thing. This project I don't think will go anywhere without hosts to exhibit the prints. Of course the book/catalog approach is different. Andy On Feb 2, 2013, at 5:22 PM, wildimages@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > > >> Might there be interest in putting together an exhibition of members' work (real prints as opposed to online) and > then exhibit them at various venues identified by list members? > > > I'd be up for this. > > Agree - online exhibits just don't have the same appeal ... > > Rob >