Bonnie B
On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:40 AM, Christopher Strevens <christopher.strevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I have had to take down my web site due to financial restrictions. I hope to buy another compact digital camera to replace the one I sold to buy food and find a cheaper alternative web hosting site for a new web site. I will also have to move to less expensive accommodation and consider changing my ISP.
I attended mum's 100th Birthday celebration on Monday. The local mayor presented a telegram from our queen but mum seemed unaware as she is blind and deaf and only just concious. I am sorry mum was only physically present. 11 years ago Mum intended to visit America but the Twin Towers disaster prevented that. Breakfast on the roof of the world would have been our first event so we would have died.
I don't do much photography now but when I go out I take my camera in the phone. It is not nice to find that I am approaching my extinction and like most other people I have the human condition.
Like mum I have the beginnings of cateract and so I do not see as well as I did as a young man. My ability to recognise a notable image to capture has faded too but now I am off those terrible injections the shrinks made me take I predict that this "ability" will partly return.
My photography has changed over the years, but now I disposed of my negatives and prints my record has gone. I found looking at old snaps a pain to me and others were not interested as they meant nothing.
I started with a box camera when I was about ten and I feel I took my best photographs then. Later I developed the negative and printed out on printing out paper that just needed fixing with hypo and the light source was the sun.
Dr Chris
Bonnie Bucqueroux
Lansing Online News