Well, I bought a used A590 about 1 year ago, and it's ok, but certainly the noise is pretty bad above ISO 400. It does go to down to ISO 80, though. And, I bought it for about $77 on ebay. As the G12 is about $400, I would expect that it should perform at least 4 times as well as the 590. And, the G12 shoots RAW, which I would have loved to have on the 590. But for general usability, manual modes (which is why I bought it) and value, the 590 is very good. I heard very good things about the G10 when it came out; I'd be surprised if Canon made the G12 worse than the G10. In short, it's probably a very good camera for what you are looking for, as I would expect a $400 P&S to be. Have you read the dpreview of it? They are usually quite complete in terms of IQ and performance. http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/CanonG12/ Andrew On Wed, March 28, 2012 9:54 am, Bob wrote: > While looking for info for my daughter I noticed some good prices on the > G12. I'm considering it as a replacement for my Powershot A590 as a > "have a camera with me whenever" > > > Any comments on image quality and low light focus speed? > > > Thanks, > > > Bob > -- > Money can't buy happiness--- But somehow it's more comfortable to cry in > a Porsche than a Kia. >