The bb I got it off doesn't show the whole link. That is what the three
dots indicate.
So the full link is
too early in the morning for me to crunch this but as impressed with the
camera as I will be, I'm going to be even more impressed by the lens this
guy is going to need!
some thoughts..
let's see - he's proposing 1/1000 of a second to avoid movement - and the
rig is portable so I'm assuming he plans on using it in semi-lit /outdoor
settings (hopefully without incinerating the subject) .. the 3+ stops
he'll gain over daylight is going to require a fair thump of light
I'd guess if his proposed shutter speed is 1/1000 of a second I'm also going
to be highly impressed by the shutter!
It's suggested in the article and accompanying images that he'll effectively
be producing something like 9:1 (or greater) macro shots of faces - that's
going to cause a serious reduction in light and require on heck of a fast
lens! (and subsequent reduction in DoF)
to be honest I'd think the risk of fouling a shot being so expensive he'd be
better going the other way and allowing for much longer exposures, that way
a minor facial flicker or a blink might be a fraction of the full duration
of the exposure and would be a mere ghost in the image