I ideally would prefer a full frame sensor but I'll take what I can, and
this looks like the one I'll be taking:
<grumbles at ferret for walking on keyboard and sending half composed
The main appeal with these interchangeable lens Sonys are that they have the
smallest registration distance of any of the newer cameras, so any lenses
from any maker can be fitted via an appropriate adapter! All of a sudden
the Variable Field Minolta 24mm can be used on the same body that takes my
Canon FD 400:2.8 =D
Basically Sony appear to have returned (wisely) to the philosophy of old,
that a camera maker should concentrate their efforts on doing what they do
best (making cameras, and since we're talking electronics you can be sure
Sony do this extremely well) and with the added benefit that they can snap
up customers who may have lenses from another range.
Interestingly Sonys new expensive proDV cams also can take a range of lenses
coupled via cheap, easily available adapters too - and there are more than a
few cine guys out there hungering for the ability to use some phenomenal
glass that has to date been going pretty cheap.
So don't be surprised if all of a sudden you find the price starting to rise
on some of the more exotic manual focus glass from yesteryear..
I'll be looking forward to being able to use my beautiful manual lenses
again on this camera.. I just wish the mailman would hurry up and deliver