Pretty cool! There are many individuals these days doing drop or splash or rebound photography. It is all derived from Doc Edgerton;s pioneering work from the 30's and 40's although today the timing systems are a bit more sophisticated than he had. Now that I think of it another pioneer in this "genre" who often gets little credit is A.M. Worthington who preceded Edgerton. If you like this kind of photography you might like to take a look at Martin Waugh's work ... I do the basics in my high speed photography and photinstrumentation classes - students build their own synchronizers and delay devices but we don't spend much time making "pretty" pictures - they can do that on their own time! But in addition to synchronizers with delay it also helps to have a good, reliable and repeatable drop delivery system ... like Martin has! kerplunk! Andy On Jan 2, 2012, at 2:41 PM, Don Roberts wrote: