PS!!! I did not send this mail. shyrell
From: "mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:57 AM
Subject: Anyone else getting this??
Well I am just curious about a piece of spam I got. Wondered if anyone else on the list got it. It was an invitation to network with Rick Vincent on Linkedin, but the thing is as though I am on Linked in, it this isn't the email address I use for Linked in. I wondered if someone else on the list got the same email and whether or not it was list related. It could have just as easily been someone that got the email address from the website, and it looks legit but I strongly suspect a virus somewhere. Not sure how, but wondered if others have gotten the same.