Again, I have to agree. Why do you think Photojournalists get fired on the
spot when it’s discovered they doctored an image.
Two more books worth looking into; Truth Needs No Ally by Howard Chapnick
and The First Casualty by Phillip Knightly.
Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 8:01 PM
Subject: RE: Psychological Motives for Pursuing
Photography If truth is flexible then no form of society can function. One man
sees it as the absolute truth that he is entitled because of mistreatment to
break that window and take a TV because of a past wrong. The owner of the
shop who paid for the tv will most certainly think he stole it. FACT the
first guy broke the window and took the TV. That was the truth.
Neither perspective or opinion will change the fact he broke a window and took a
Capturing what is really there isn't that hard, but its also no more
difficult to make a photograph lie. With digital imaging its even easier.