Here's that address as a working link,
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:35:37 +0100 From: a_p_brooks@xxxxxxxxxxx Subject: New Landscapes for the BBC Philharmonic To: photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi, I've not posted to the group in ages, I hope everyone is doing good, I just wanted to share a project I have just finished. I was commissioned by the BBC Philharmonic to create a set of Landscape images for posters to reflect the music of their next concert season, there is a gallery of the work here, and if you go to the 'Buy Prints and Info' box to the top left of the landscapes you can see the music that inspired the images. Hope you like them, they are all in my usual composite image style, being made of many images to help me control the shots and create the composition and atmospherethat I'm aiming for. Thanks, Andrew Brooks Website: Twitter : @AndrewPBrooks Facebook:!/pages/Andrew-Brooks-Photography/142355695837948 |