mmm Yes
That's the deceased remains of an alien from the planet zorg.. They melt
when forced into contact with certain chemicals... Unfortunately the
Zorgon mother-ship looks suspiciously similar to an Epson 3800 printer
and this is the reason Epson changed printers and brought out a new
range of inks after the 3800.
Sadly, too late for your little visitor. I write this at great peril
because, as you are aware, they are everywhere and they know where I
live. Our only hope of avoiding revenge is to recite Coleridge's Kublai
Khan in a Nu-Joisy accent which confuses them enough for them to head
home for beer and pizza.
Windex should deal with the remains.
May the Inks be with you
Herschel (Space cadet and starship landing paddle-waver)
On 7/18/11 2:55 PM, Lea Murphy wrote:
Does anyone know if there's anything on an Epson 3800 printer that can leak out?
I was away for a week, came home and discovered some dried liquid that appears to have come out of the bottom of my printer though it works perfectly. It's not ink but I've no idea what it's dried on my desk and kind of chalky white/orange.
Any ideas?
your kids . my camera . we'll click