If you live in the CT area this may be of interest. John S. Craig is associated with http://www.craigcamera.com/ and you can see there he had a significant connection with photography. His widow sends this invitation to all: As you probably know my husband John S. Craig died on February 25, 2011. John was not a religious man and so I did not hold a funeral. I am however holding a Celebration of His Life. I would appreciate it if you would get the following notice out to your membership as I am sure there will be some members who were John's friends and may wish to attend: Hon. Joyce Krutick Craig (Ret.) will host a CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF JOHN S. CRAIG At their home at 93 Chestnut Hill Road, Torrington, CT 06790 On August 20, 2011 from 2 p.m. – 6 p.m. Attire is casual (bring swimsuits if you like) Please RSVP to judgejoyce@xxxxxxxxxxx or (860) 496-8103 by July 1, 2011 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS AN ALCOHOL FREE EVENT Thank-you kindly Joyce