Dan Mitchell - Horse
The soft gray of the sky challenges the monochrome, making the horizon
razor sharp and all the more contrasty. Looks like an album cover.
David Dyer-Bennet - April
Undisturbed snow, well exposed. I suppose the overcast sky helped with
that. Seems a little lopsided, but I like the wide angle perspective here.
Rene M Hales - Wind in the Willow
I like this one. Simple, but different. Nice and dreamy, good shallow
dof image(s).
Don Roberts - El Paso Cemetery
Holy saturation! I think my monitor is going to be a little reddish and
blue for the next few days after displaying that image! Love the subject
matter and composition.
Christopher Strevens - The road
The road is indeed lonely. Many, like this one, seem to have a dead end
only to be transformed into something entirely different.
Roy Miller - Me as a lopsided werewolf
Fun! Reminds me of the time I made a cyanotype out of my chest x-ray
from when I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I bleached out the phrase
"Insert hurt here" over the infected area with a q-tip and baking soda
solution. Two questions: 1) Is this a view from the rear? 2) Is that