Trevor Cunningham - Burr In my twisted imagination this intriguing studyÂis a pizza pie that's in the process of exploding. Anchovies, green peppers, sticky cheese all over the place. Somebody call the uh-oh! squad.
Howard Leigh - Misty morning across farmland What's best about this finely done image is that you took care to keep everything in more or less the same plane and got the whole thing sharply in focus.ÂÂ
Yoram Gelman - Outer Cape Station This could be an Edward Hopper on one of the rare days he decided to go to the beach. Nice composition, overall warmth and pleasantness. Well done!
Emily L. Ferguson - Poverty Point, Fairhaven, MA A rather cold and gloomy scene, despite the Canada geese floating by. I'd crop off some of the right side since the architecture seems at odds with the style of the big
house. It's to me a kind of a clash of theme or something.
Katharina Kitaeva - This is a magnificent and subtle image, and would be even more so if you got rid of the two apples in the lower foreground. Just one would do very well. The others make it too obviously a contrived arrangement.
Kim Mosley - Don't Jump This could be ironic, funny, or dead serious. The gent doesn't look too healthy, so it's like he's getting a dark foreshadowing of bad stuff coming.
John Retallack - Excellent image, and in my opinion the very best one so far in this project. I love the proud nobility of the guy, obviously pleased that despite having slogged down a long rough and dangerous road, he's still here, still ready to kick yer ass if you step outta line.
Sherie Taylor - Santa Monica street musician Nice grab of a quiet moment, plus there's a lot more going on in this image. Lots to see, and enjoy, and think about.ÂÂ
Andrew Sharpe - Memorial Church, StanfordÂÂ This might be improved by cropping in more tightly on the details of the stuff behind and above the altar, and probably would be better in color.