Re: PF members exhibit on 02-12-11

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Trevor Cunningham - one rope. Holy cow, what a well done but yet disturbing image! This isn't existentialism, but rather a great metaphor of global overpopulation. And the boats are all bunched up, and empty, since all the fish are now extinct. Verrrrrry gloomy.

Jim Snarski - Birds of a Feather. Just when I was down in the dumps over Trevor's image, here comes a species that seems to be doing just fine. The birds have a lot of overexposed white, which would have been prevented had you stopped down a stop and a half or so. Otherwise nice shot.

Don Roberts - Black Angel IR Interesting image. Can you imagine getting it made into a big, heavy pewter belt buckle? Or a medal? Which you can then peddle to the guys and gals in Hell's Angels, Mongols, Pagans, or Outlaws?

Mario Filipe Pires - Power, corruption & flowers I get the flowers, but don't quite see the power and corruption, unless you mean the faux framing elements and the huge reduction in brightness and contrast. Nevertheless, it works pretty well.

Christopher Strevens - Blue Danube. The word Blue is ironic, perhaps, because the whole scene seems more like a depressing gray, except for the patch of bright blue in the upper left.Â

Emily L. Ferguson - Clear Day's End The overall deadness of the scene is relieved by the sunset (or sunrise as the case may be), and only slightly less depressing than Chris's Blue Danube. I'd crop some off the top.

Dan Mitchell - FishingÂÂ The theme of gloom in this gallery seems to have extended to this shot of lonely fishermen.ÂÂ I would have burned in some detail in the river, but then I don't suppose there's anything that could be done with the washed-out sky.ÂÂ

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