2010 Traveling mini exhibition of technical photographs While exhibitions of images of purely artistic nature may be available for loan from a variety of sources for use at schools and galleries, the availability of collections of technical and scientific work are not as plentiful. Furthermore, most such "traveling" exhibitions place restrictions on their use such as a rental fee, insurance, etc. The School of Photographic Arts and Sciences at Rochester Institute of Technology, in an attempt to help increase awareness among the technology community of career opportunities in the broad field of imaging, has organized a mini traveling exhibition (12 photographs) and makes it available on loan, free, to interested hosts. The only expense might be shipping to the next venue (about $10-15 via UPS ground). No requirement for insurance, exhibition of all images, etc. In short, a low-stress, low cost opportunity to bring some high impact technical photographs with brief explanatory captions to your school, for use as you see fit. The images are mounted on foam core and laminated. They have a tab included on top so they can be taped to a smooth surface or pinned or stapled to homosote or they can be placed in a display case. High speed photography allows for the visualization of quickly changing events. Refraction accounts for the creation of a full spectrum from white light. Polarization is used to demonstrate stress in plastics or glass. Stroboscopic imaging tracks motion and displays it for ready interpretation by athlete and coach. Every photograph is somehow connected to science, technology and engineering and by extrapolation to mathematics. STEM! The idea is for these photographs to possibly be a point of departure for discussions and conversation about applied technology and physics and solving difficult imaging/photographic problems. To discuss this project or to obtain a set (to get on the list!) simply email Prof. Andrew Davidhazy, at andpph@xxxxxxx to make the arrangements. To see a representative sample of the photographs go to: http://people.rit.edu/andpph/2010-pix/high-school-exhibit-2010.jpg Thank you, Andrew Davidhazy, Professor School of Photo Arts and Sciences/RIT 70 Lomb Drive Rochester, NY 14623 em: andpph@xxxxxxx