let me see if I goit it right...the white balance / white sky temperature
is somewhere inbetween overcase sky (strong dose of blue wavelengths) and sunlight? (5000K?)
--- Στις Τετ., 26/05/10, ο/η פיני וולך <pinimage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> έγραψε:
Από: פיני וולך <pinimage@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Θέμα: RE: WHITE sky color temperature? Προς: "List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students" <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Ημερομηνία: Τετάρτη, 26 Μάιος 2010, 17:17
On my camera it is called “Cloudy” and it boost the yellows.
But I usually shoot RAW files and fix the WB on LightRoom 1.4
פיני וולך - מהנדס אזרחי
יזמות, נכסים, תכנון ובניה.
From: owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Kostas Papakotas Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1:27 PM To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students Subject: WHITE sky color temperature?
have you ever the chance to shoot under a white sky? I mean when it is overcast but the clouds are high and white, making the sky a huge Lightbox?
I wonder what the its color temperature is.....
I intend to standarize WB of a particular kind of studio shots at this.....Seem you have the BEST color depiction under these conditions
thank you all, Kostas
============================================= No matter what, CHEER UP MY FRIENDS! Life is too precious to jump the other side of the fence...
kostas papakotas / clenched teeth photography http://clenchedteethphoto.multiply.com |