Lea Murphy
Big Daddy Hosta: This photo can fool the eye. As I view it, the spiral can be coming toward me, or moving away from me. I like the detail. I'd like to see the color more saturated, but that may be my screen. Laurenz Bobke
Spring leaves: I am always drawn to the beautiful shadows thrown on delicate leaves, too. Again (and now I really do think it is my screen), I'd like to see more saturated color. I like the way the background is blurred, Trevor Cunningham
hanging on: Beautiful, mysterious - it's hard to tell if this is a tree reaching for the clouds, or something more the size of a dandelion. Nice shot and I like the film choice. Don Roberts
Uxmal: This is a good shot and shares much information for those of us unable to be there. This photograph makes me want to be there, therefore, I think it is a successful shot. John Palcewski
Subway: This photograph makes me doubt the motive of the hug the man is giving the woman. I get the feeling he isn't hugging her so much out of love, but more that he is hugging her tightly so more of his face shows in the shot - an insincere hug. Hmmm? Russ Baker
Tamara: This photograph has stirred some controversy and I'm not sure I can add anything to the comments already made, but I'll give it a try. The first thing I noticed is that the model's clothing seems, not skimpy, but too small - like the outfit doesn't quite fit her properly. I also thought, upon viewing the photograph, that the background is a little dark and dreary for such a (dare I say?) cute photograph. Something in the model's eyes is telling me she isn't into the session, or maybe she's tired. It is framed and composed well and there are nice catch lights in her eyes. Emily Ferguson
Lotta rain: This image definitely tells a story. Good shot. Andrew Davidhazy
Chicago Lights: An interesting shot. Lots of movement, excitement and questions (before I read the explanation) about what I'm viewing. Thank you, Andy and staff, for hanging the show,
and thank you to all that contributed. I enjoyed the discussions about the
images, and viewing the show.