Re: The inspiring photograph - Flickr

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I can set up a group for Photoforum members.

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 13:31, R V <renatevolz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Just a suggestion -  while Andy is indisposed and there is no weekly gallery, one  could start a closed group at flickr just for the members of the forum.  Flickr membership is free for 200 images and the group spaces are unlimited.  All that is required is a yahoo account. 
Administration after the initial stage would be minimal.

One could, couldn't one?  Anyone witha little  time on his/her hands and experience with Flickr?


On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Guy Glorieux <guy.glorieux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you for setting my mind and critical judgment straight.
On second look, not sure what had got me to apppreciate this site in the first place,
Much, much red on my face.

2010/2/4 Emily L. Ferguson <elf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

At 8:38 AM +0000 2/4/10, Howard wrote:
Which all goes to show that opinions about photographs are all very personal. What one person likes....

I don't like Cartier-Bresson, nor Ansel Adams! Am I alone?

No.  But you're probably in a pretty lonely place!

The interesting thing about that Flickr page is that the commenters don't seem to have any thing to say except, sycophantically, "oh yes, wise one, the photographs you've selected this week are indeed inspiring."

Inspiring is not an adjective I'd use for those images - they don't inspire me to do much except go hunt for someone who paints on velvet.  And, unlike the work of Adams and Cartier-Bresson, when I look at the gallery, no one image jumps out at me and sticks in my memory.

Either because we're so educated about the history and technique of photography, or because we've simply been exposed to so much, we're no longer impressed with yet another gritty face, especially when we've stared at Steve McCurry's Afghan girl and  Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother for a great deal of our education.

My personal opinion is that, in the case of McCurry and Cartier-Bresson, some things are great because they're the first.

Steve's image turns out to be formulaic, if you go and track down more of his work.

And here's the difference: Cartier-Bresson's isn't.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races

“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.”  (Lao-Tzeu)

Mário Pires

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