Re: Nikon PC lens recommendtion?

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A tecnicality you might want to consider is that the DOF will be identical with all the lenses at a given magnification.... In other words, shooting at 1:1, what will change is lens-to-subject distance and perspective but not DOF. The shorter the focal length the more radical the effect of tilts. Don't write off the wide angle too quickly! I have a 24mm f1.4 macro lens and I've done some great food photography with it.

Quoting James Schenken <jds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I'm thinking of getting one of the newer Nikon perspective control lenses
and am at a sticking point as to focal length. They come in 24mm, 45mm, and 85mm. Buying one of each is out of the financial question, so I'm limited to just one. My primary use will be local still life setups that require the extended DOF that these lenses can provide. I've ruled out the 24mm as much too wide but am stuck on choosing between the 45mm and the 85mm. Anybody have experience with either lens? Is the longer working distance of
the 85mm more of an advantage than the better DOF ( before shift and tilt )
of the 45mm?

Even speculative comments will be appreciated but I'm hoping someone out
there has actually one of these lenses.  BTW Canon makes some similar ones
so if you have a Canon lens, please feel free comment. Thanks,

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