The US Library of Congress web archive should prove fruitful, although
I doubt you'll find much UK home front work. Lots of era images at high
resolution with educator friendly copyright protection. As for
projection and photographing the students in front of them, I would
imagine you would be challenged with lighting them to get both the
students and the images clearly. Perhaps a rear projection onto white
paper or cheese cloth? Do you or your students have PS access?
jonathan turner wrote:
I'm doing a project in a school based on the idea of using Photography
as a catalyst to improve literacy. The school are doing World War 2 as
their terms theme, so we plan to get the kids to take pictures of each
other and then cut them selves out and stick onto a WW2 scene, which
they can then make into a postcard and write on the back of.
I need some WW2 pictures from the internet (ideally anything to do with
'the home front', or the blitz, or evacuation but any will do really).
The problem is that pictures off the net are never high enough
resolution to print from and therefore difficult to use for this
Has anyone any suggestions - either a web page that has good quality
resolution pictures or some good books I can easily get hold of, or
good tips for projecting the images and then photographing the kids in
front of them?
Any help appreciated.
Jonathan Turner
e: pictures@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
t: 0113 217 1275
m:07796 470573
7 Scott Hall Walk, Leeds, LS7 3JQ