RE: Imaginary colours

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Hi, AZ,

I doubt if the girl had read punch. She does not look like "Vicky" as
portrayed by the actor in the photograph, who incidentally looks about 40,
but she did speak a little like her.

"Bread and butter in the gutter, squashed tomatoes to you" is what she also

By the way in the chemistry lesson another pupil referred to copper sulphate
solutions as "Can we have some more of that blue water?"

I did teach photography for a while and we saw some gifted children and we
made our own printing paper from thin card and gelatine made up with silver
nitrate to which we added sodium chloride solution and coated the paper.

We did get some quite good results.

Although I had teaching duties I was employed as a technician. Later the
local council closed the school as baby boom had passed into adult life and
the population of available pupils had shrunk. The other problem was the age
(over 100 years) of the buildings and its lack of playing fields. The
headmaster, incidentally, was redeployed as a technician and lost his big
house and fat salary. I think the reason for this was a purge of socialists
in Britain. Some were shot dead.

After being made redundant twice for the same reason and working in a local
university I found work teaching children after school. I was told that my
educational method was too good for this free tuition and they parents
normally had to pay an additional fee. 

I was thrown out after a violent Christian demonstration against me in
particular with banners that read "We don't want an atheist teaching our
children". I was only passing on the latest space news and the normal school
knowledge of astronomy and biology. I also taught mathematics and physics
and I was told the local kids did not need that sort of education. As a
result ignorant Christians have taken over everything. I even found a young
woman attempting to be a cashier after (I was told) her frontal lobe had
been "bashed in" for her non Christian beliefs.

Another result is that I cannot hold a conversation with anyone round here.
Street photography is forbidden if there are people in the frame and nearly
all other photography is impossible. "Thou shalt not make graven images". 

I am now under surveillance and seen by Christian shrinks every weeks. At
present they are concerned about the amount of money that I support my
Christian girl friend with. She is out of work and has no support whatsoever
from social payments. I think they want to do her brain in too in order to
turn her into a prostitute and therefore earn more money and give pleasure
to men. They want her to be a factory worker but she does not want to do
that sort of work. She was offered work as a steam iron operator pressing
men's shirts for £100 a week. She turned it down as I give her £20 a day to
look after me and mum but she fails to do anything for us.

Mum has senile dementia and so it is very difficult at home.

Ignorance and bashed in brains are normal in Britain. Our factories are full
of them and they are called "Working class".

If you are in Eastern Europe, do not seek your fortune in Britain, we are a
two class society: the rich and the destitute, if you come here you will be
in the destitute underclass with no chance of promotion.


Chris (In London).
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: 06 November 2009 21:37
To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
Subject: RE: Imaginary colours

Chris, Greg

 Your student seems a bit like the Vicky character on "Little Britain".

There you have it "synasthesia"
 'this fing wot you know nuffin about'!


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> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [SPAM] RE: Imaginary colours
> From: Chris <cjrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Fri, November 06, 2009 2:10 pm
> To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
> <photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I worked in schools for from 1975 to 1989 and that is what one of the
> schoolgirls said to me. I have forgotten her name and I do not know what
> became of her.
> Chris
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-photoforum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gregory Fraser
> Sent: 06 November 2009 13:58
> To: List for Photo/Imaging Educators - Professionals - Students
> Subject: RE: Imaginary colours
> I like that. From where does it come? 
> ________________________________
> As the school girl said: "Don't look at me with that tone of voice is
> smells a funny colour!" 
> Chris

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