Roy : (did I send one in html with no edits? sorry!) Karl, I did look up nyquist on Wikipedia and it made no sense to me so I just have to let the more technie people (like you) fight it out about the limit of resolution. I will spend my time trying to generate random numbers so I can win the lottery and be able to afford a Leica system. Roy hahaha, good luck with the lottery :) Basically the nyquist limit is all about sampling frequency and digital. In the digital world - binary - something is either zero or 1 if i'm sampling an analogue source at the simplest level, digital will say it's either 'there' or 'not there' I'm oversimplifying things a lot.. but it might help ooh, found a good page: the explanation is solid, and worth wrapping your mind around. The problem with digital photography, sensor size and resolving power in applying the concept of a nyquist limit is that it's usually only applied to a simpler system - in photography where we are not just photographing verticals and horizontals the sample rate must be higher to take into accound sampling on the diagonals and here it falls to around THREE times the sample rate. Effectively, to obtain 8Mp of accurate data, you'd need 3x8 = 24Mp sensor. and that's ignoring bayer arrays and the fact a single pixels data is interpolated from 3 filtered sensors. really then it should be 3x24 Mp .. 72Mp and that is the minimum LIMIT to obtaining an accurate 8Mp of resolved information. phew! Sounds iffy I know, but this mathematical limit can't be 'got around'. Interpolation and clever computer guesswork in-camera in the image processing side of things does a very good job of compensating for the limitations but it's just guesswork. if I have this --------..------- and i can only sample at this rate I I I I I I will only record _ _ _ _ _ then the .. will miss being recorded. I need 2x the sample rate to see those ..'s (well, one of them at least) clear? as mud.. I know :( k