This film is a Must See. It could be an ancient surrealist film. The choice of black&white is a great idea.
I love the starting scene with the ropes... The rest of the film is full of beautiful gems and I really like the way they hold together with the music.
But, .. I think the film could use some tightening if Simeon K. is to keep the viewer in front of the screen through to the end. 16 minutes is too long and the ending is too abrupt. Simeon obviously knows about filmmaking. He has plenty of room for turning this really surrealist account of your exhibition into a really strong movie!
Where do you appear in the film, Kostas.
Will you put the exhibition prints on the web?
Thanks for showing,
2009/6/26 Kostas Papakotas <clenchedteethphotography@xxxxxxxx>
,,, but here is a "backastage" video....we are so proud of our "happeing"Thank you for watching....
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