The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space was updated June 20, 2009. Authors with work now on display at: include: Emily L. Ferguson - Valley in Gwynant, Wales [Chris] Wales has a beauty all of its own and the little chapel dominating the valley is a reminder of the dominance of the Christian religion in the lives of the friends. Jim Snarski - Privacy, Please! [Chris] It is always difficult to take nature shots like this. When I try the bird has just flown! But here a long focal length lens is used to get a very effective shot - now where did I see this before! John Palcewski - Number One Bus [Chris] This is my favourite image for this week, a candid snap of a family on their way to a party but too poor to use a car. Unfortunately this type of image is illegal in Britain because the authorities think that the snapper is a paedophile or that paedophiles will get hold of the image, so also are images taken that have recognisable images of people unless the subject has given permission. Shame on the British authorities! They have made street photography almost impossible. And if you produce a D45 in the street you are often surrounded by howling teenagers hurling verbal abuse or angry adults likewise similar. Television did that.... Rob Miracle - [Chris] A lovely posed shot of two proud human mates about to start a family. Martha Johnson - MGA Drive-by Shots - Red Truck [Chris] This is a not very impressive image of a truck wheel. Why did you take it? Laurenz Bobke - Cagliari harbour [Chris] This is an attempt to make industrial landscapes beautiful and it worked however I would have made the dark area a silhouette with no detail and brightened the sky with increased saturation. David Small - cleanup after Tia Festival [Chris] You have clearly illustrated the mess we Homo sapiens (!) make when we enjoy ourselves and that our principle pleasure is consuming intoxicating liquor in massive quantities - oh I think I spy some cola shells in there. What will 41 century archaeologists make of a find like that I wonder? Christopher Strevens - Bagged [Chris] I thought I would capture the event which for me signifies the end of chemical photography. Hooray! Chris ARPS.