Sounds like a spin off of the NNBNDNHI*
syndrome, NNBWCDI** * Not Needed But Next Door Neighbor Has It ** Not Needed But We Can Do It Bob karl shah-jenner wrote:,ces-09-digital-cameras-to-store-136000-photos.aspx "The upcoming 2TB SDXC card format on display here at CES will mean a whopping 136,000 photos on a single card." "The new format spec is “pending release in Q1 2009”, but when the cards finally appear hopefully this year they will surely be the ultimate accessory for digital camera buffs. Apparently SDXC cards will boast up to 2TB of data – meaning a potential 136,000 photos, which is great because the overall theme behind cameras here at CES (both video and still) is the shift to flash memory (for example, Canon’s new flash memory HSF10). Flash memory is great, and 32GB cards mean huge amounts of storage. But for video, you’re going to want all the storage you can get. We shudder to think of the disaster of losing such a tiny but valuable card, but otherwise this kind of capacity will be great news." -- ///// ( O O ) --------------------oOOO-----O----OOOo-----73 de w8imo@xxxxxxxx------ I plan to live forever. So far, so good...... |