Re: Darkroom question...

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Guy Glorieux wrote:
The question has to do with the tratment of over-exposed prints and the use of reducers, such as Farmer's. Does anyone have experience with the chemistry and the results which they would care to share with me? I need to reduce the density (both overall and as a minimum the highlights) of several of my giant pinhole prints created several years ago. These portray urban landscape scenes that have permanently disappeared and I am trying to resurrect the paper negatives. As such, these are one-only prints and I cannot afford failure if I try to reduce them. I will be working with over-sized trays - 5 feet by 2 feet by 6 inches - using the roll-unroll-reroll process. I need about 4 gallons of working solution to work confortably in the trays and I will mix my own recipe using Steve Anchell's celebrated Darkroom Cookbook.
So what's your question exactly?

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