RE: Olympus DSLR

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 >  Isn't the difference between older lenses and digital lenses the size of the lens? ie the digital lenses can be made smaller  
>  (and cheaper) since they only have to cover the area of the sensor be it C-APS size or 4/3 format size? Digital lenses  
>  will therefore be limited if one then goes to a full size 35mm sensor camera later on?
 > Roy
When you move up to a larger sensor is anyone guaranteeing you that the full sensor camera will have the same lens mount as your current camera? Remeber we're in the age if disposable everything including camera gear so unless you're buying professional gear, chances are the camera and lens you buy today may not even function in 5 years. So my question is this - how far away is 'later on'?
Buy the lens that gives you closest to what you want today. I love wide angle distortion but my Rebel XT is equipped with a smaller sensor so I do not shoot wide angle. Such is life.

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