Re: Gallery Review

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Oh my heavens. My friends and family know they don't stand a chance of me asking for a photo before I take it.

I have a camera everywhere I go and most expect to be photographed when I pull it out.

I frequent a coffee shop and regularly photograph patrons there without permission. In my defense, I don't try to hide my camera and it's not small (Canon 5D). No one has ever asked me to stop. If they did, I would honor that. Sometimes if I get something worthwhile I make prints and share them. That's a cool thing to do.

People aren't the same when they know they're being photographed. That's why I don't ask for permission.


On Dec 29, 2008, at 2:27 PM, MichaelHughes7A@xxxxxxx wrote:

In a message dated 29/12/2008 20:02:00 GMT Standard Time, Gregory.Fraser@xxxxxxxxxxx writes:
This is my
favorite photo of this week.
This comment from Greg and others who have commented on Chris's picture prompts me to ask a question of you all, at the risk of starting a new thread.
In the context of taking photographs of people,and excepting studio portraits, should one shoot first and ask questions afterwards or should one seek to have at lea aking the photograph.
For my own part I would often prefer to take the picture and then, maybe, discuss with the subject how I might use it and to this end I prefer to work with telephoto lenses and from a distance that does not intrude on the subjects 'space'.
I'd like your views please, either from the point of view of etiquette or from the point of view of getting the best out of the subject and the circumstances.

babies. they're what i do.

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