Word of advice, maybe. Three years ago I needed to replace my Apple CRT
so my first stop was Best Buy. I could look at a wall of monitors and
one thing struck me. There were about 3 sizes of LCD monitors to see
and they all had the same scene on the display. In every size there was
one that stood out because of the brilliance and neutrality of the
whites. That was Westinghouse, a brand not often referenced in general
conversation. I finally bought one and have been very pleased. It was
not the cheapest, about middle of the pack, but the image quality seemed
better than the others. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
Bob wrote:
LCDs not lasting as long as CRTs and being less stable is news to me.
Since LCD displays were not available when I started my career in
field service for a major computer company in 1966 my experience is
only the last 12 years or so. We used LCD displays for consoles on
the mainframes and later on the Unix systems and I saw may on desks.
I don't remember replacing more than one or two.
CRTs, as any vacuum tube, age as time goes on so if you're buying a
used CRT display what kind of life and stability are you expecting or
being guaranteed?
BTW, the cheap caps are not limited to LCD displays. They're
everywhere, displays and motherboards alike.
fotofx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am going through the same issue except in reverse. My gatewat @@"
$700 LCD monitor died and needs repair. This is after 3 years.
Gateway will not touch it!! It was made with cheap internal caps and
the "50,000" is crap too!!
The LCD's do offer great features but do not last as long as the CRT
nor are they as stable. My repair will cost up 200 and that is very
close to what you can get a 20" for now. So I am seriously
considering a rebuilt CRT now. Yes it is more power, less space heavy
as hell. But there are good channces that it will last at least 5
more years over two LCD's...
Just something to consider from the other side... Oh with all the
electronics retaillers going under is that extended warr. going to be
worth the paper it is printed on?
Just my 000002.centavos worth
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