At 10:00 AM -0500 12/6/08, ADavidhazy wrote:
The PhotoForum members' gallery/exhibit space
was updated DEC 06, 2008. Authors
with work now on display at:
J Michael Sullivan - Lowes parking lot: Study in Yellow and Blue
Primary colors are so neat and commentary on our
modern consumer way of life is all the rage.
This image does a nice job of both. I like the
composition of the items in the image, especially
the way the handicap parking symbols hold the top
of the image in place, too.
David Dyer-Bennet - Asian Forest Tortoise at Minnesota Zoo
How often does one actually sync with someone
else's accidental flash! Lucky for the eye, and
to show off the tooth. Just about everything
else is really great here, except for the zoo
Peeter Vissak - Yggdrasill revisited
I feel off balance, and there's an accidental
quality about this that accentuates that. As one
tries to move away from the cliché, one has to
think hard about how to balance the components
one allows into the image.
Mark Harris - Breast Cancer Ribbon
I feel that it should be vertical. I've never
felt comfortable with those cause ribbons on
their sides, and there's something not quite
right in the way the breast is hanging.
Christopher Strevens - Let me straighten my hair!
It's hard to grab a candid in this sort of
situation. You pretty much blow it by popping up
the flash, and if you don't, you get general
softness. In this case, some things about the
image are kinda nice anyway - like the movement
of the hand and the crookedness of the eyes, and
the way they're not looking at the viewer.
Doesn't one nearly always look away in faint
embarassment when one is being watched as one
arranges oneself for presentation?
Roy Miller - House under attack from nature
Kudzu anyone? Time for the clippers, man. And
water those aloes. They're not joining in the
attack with full gusto!
Elson T. Elizaga - Rice and Steak
Great texture, nice even light, perspective is
that of the imminent consumer, but I wish there
were a sprig of parsley. The color pallette is
too uniform. Tell the chef.
Looking forward to this week's gallery.
Emily L. Ferguson
New England landscapes, wooden boats and races