Title: 'Not rear curtain...' result...
Well, as James pointed out (thank you James) the effect being discussed was not in fact rear curtain synch, just long exposure combined with flash...
Shoot went ok, client is very happy with the image (thankfully), if you want to have a look it's up on my site, here's the link...
Think I may go and have another go at it tonight though as now I've tried it I want to do it again, only better...more ghostly image. Thanks for all your input. Special note has to go to Andy - that is some serious technical stuff there mate...I take my hat off to you.
On the subject of copyright, you'll be pleased to know the image looks nothing like the one I was asked to try and emulate, though it does have the same eerie feel to it which is what the client was actually after... so sorry if I set the cat among the pigeons by not making that clearer in my original post!
All comments on the image welcome.
Thanks again,
Jonathan Turner
e: home@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
t: 0113 217 1275
m:07796 470573
7 Scott Hall Walk, Leeds, LS7 3JQ