On 24/7/08 08:56, "MichaelHughes7A@xxxxxxx" <MichaelHughes7A@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Based on a collection of photographs acquired by A J and D K Pierce and published by Batsford in 1960
I was lucky enough to find a copy of this publication at a recent book sale. Many of the photos relate to the area where I was brought up ( the North of England) and the era which is reflected is that of my grandparents and parents. The introductory pages give some details of the historical and social background.
If the publication is of interest to any member of the forum for academic purposes, or even from nostalgia,
I would be prepared to lend it to them, for the cost of the postage.
Note - I live in the UK.
Jonathan Turner
e: home@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
t: 0113 217 1275
m:07796 470573
7 Scott Hall Walk, Leeds, LS7 3JQ