Howard : I recall seeing some months ago a reference to Panasonic announcing : details of a new camera with extremely fast frame rate recording to a : large sensor (6 mp?) - something like 600 frames per second or even higher. : Can anyone remember this? The Panasonic site showed some amazing clips : they claimed had been recorded using a prototype. : "Casio's EXILIM Pro EX-F1: Hands-On, 1,200 FPS Demo Video and Sample 60-Shots-per-Second " Yesterday, Casio announced it's new EXILIM Pro EX-F1, a new digital camera that can shoot up to 60 shots in one second in burst mode Jim Jannard the billionare put him honey where his mouth was and ponied up for the R&D costs so the consumer gets the camera at rock bottom price. any way you cut it, a 12Mp camera that can rip at 60fps is worht it's weight in gold :) Willem-Jan Markerink wrote The 1D mark-III could very well be made to go beyond 10fps, but Canon >decided not to implement/allow that, because the more than 10fps >classifies as motion-picture, and on many events the fee for shooting >is much higher for motion picture than for still photographers....:(( > this was all I could find karl