Re: apple mac update time!

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What's your point? Most of those updates overwrite existing files. They don't increase space consumed on the disk. I imagine they would be a challenge for people with a dial-up connection., but for those with a high speed connection they're a matter of clicking to install and then restarting. Very little time involved, and even less hassle.


On Feb 12, 2008, at 10:32 PM, karl shah-jenner wrote:

Apple released updates yesterday for OS X 10.5 (Leopard). The update to 10.5.2 is 343MB. Plus, there are updates to the WebObjects engine (153MB), the Graphics engine (49MB), iLife support (8MB) and a security update (29MB).

This is on top of the last 30 days of updates including Quicktime 7.4.1 (56MB), Braille Display (448KB), iPhoto(14MB), Pro Applications support (22MB), iWork office suite (77MB), iTunes (45MB), FrontRow media player (17MB), and Quicktime 7.4.0 (55MB).

All  of the above (870MB ish ) in the space of 1 month!!!

December I understand was 217MB in updates..


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