1. Loosing a local newspaper's photography competition to a fellow using
a Kodak Brownie camera (vs. my Speed Graphic"). I no longer worry about the
capabilities of the camera and lens much. It's all in the eye.
2. Enjoying books of others excellent photography.
3. Not being so stingy with film, snapping a lot and learning to be happy
with 3 good prints out of 36.
(Aside: With my new digital camera it's 3 good prints out of about 50, but
who cares?)
Bob Blakely
"A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy,
and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes."
- Robert Frost
----- Original Message -----
From: Mark Blackwell
Well I am always interested in how people learn. Id be interested hearing
what others thought were the top 3 things that taught them the most about