Re: mamiya 645 lenses and laziness

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I think you're working backwards. The 35mm lens for a 645 will still be a 35mm lens when grafted onto a D200. You need to check out and see if the adapter is designed to retain infinity focus else what you get will be some very close focusing lenses.

I thin the 645 lenses are quite good so the image quality should be fine.


At 12:24 PM 6/10/2007 -0700, you wrote:
hey gang,

was hoppin' around ebay and found an interesting adaptor to fit any mamiya 645 lens to a
nikon d200...i have such equipment, and, coinkidinki
being, intend on purchasing a d200...just wondering
what type of focal length and perspective translations
are implied if i have a 35mm 645 lens pointed at the
d200 sensor.<snip>

James Schenken

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